What We Do

At All Stars Youth Club we work to achieve a positive, bright future for all young people, regardless of their background or circumstance. We provide practical, emotional and educational support to disadvantaged young people and families at risk or directly involved in youth violence and crime.

In delivering mentoring, counselling, personal development workshops, extracurricular academic activities we challenge and work to remove barriers which block young people’s healthy development and growth, encouraging young people whatever their ability, to participate in the activities of the Club and become active members, teaching them skills and giving them a sense of worth, helping them to fully integrate with all sections of society and be better able to cope with the challenges of modern life and pursue positive targets for the future.

We constantly remind ourselves of the important principles of youth participation, whereby young people have a voice and influence to change in decisions that affect their lives, organisations and communities, we foster a culture which encourages young people’s opinions and contributions are recognised, valued and acted upon for the betterment of  their communities and society as a whole.

Our positive programmes and projects focus on informal, engaging and fun learning experiences that inspire the next generation of leaders and helps to challenge many of societies negative stereotypes held about young people, especially those from urban disadvantaged backgrounds. We gain immense satisfaction and pride in helping young people find the things that they are good at, or really enjoy doing by offering a varied programme of activities.

We advocate for supportive and positive family environments, with good parenting and low levels of family stress where young people are able to develop strong, healthy relationships with their peers and trusted adults.


Mentoring creates positive impact in youth’s lives. Study has shown that youth with mentors have higher rates of school graduation and are less likely to drop out of school. They find more self-confidence, self esteem, and are able to create big goals for themselves. Additionally their behavior, attitudes, and relationships improve when a youth has a mentor. Mentors help children grow and close the social and/or economic opportunity gap.

Mentoring is not counselling or therapy – though the mentor may help the mentee to access more specialised avenues of help if it becomes apparent that this would be the best way forward.